Execution deadline in working days
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Individual person
Any person
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After registration of the fact of death of a participant of the 2nd pension pillar and taking into account the choice made by the deceased participant of the 2nd pension pillar and their funded pension capital, the State Social Insurance Agency (SSIA):
- adds the specified persons to the funded pension capital after the registration date of the fact of death of the deceased participant of the 2nd pension pillar with SSIA;
- pays to the heirs in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Civil Law after receiving an inheritance certificate and an application to SSIA. Heirs may decide whether to receive this capital
in cash by transferring it to the specified account, or to add it to their 2nd pension pillar capital.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    In order to request a service for a natural or legal person, an application addressed to the VSAA for the receipt of the capital of the deceased pension level 2 in accordance with the procedures specified in the Civil Law shall be submitted through a notary.

    A submission by a natural person, if the accumulated funded pension capital of the deceased is added to the funded pension capital of the specified person, the VSAA shall not be required.

  2. Receipt of services
    A person may obtain a decision:
    • on-site;
    • by post.

    The VSAA shall inform the State Occupational Pension Scheme (Pension Level 2) of the addition of the capital of a member of the deceased pension level 2 in the statement of the Member's account.

    The Tier 2 capital of inherited pensions shall be transferred to the account of the heir credit institution.

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